Monthly Archives: December 2022

Why Choose Mediation For Your Long Island Divorce
Many people are under the mistaken belief that to get a divorce, they must go to court and litigate the different issues of the case. However, there are alternatives and some of them involve a more confidential way to settle your divorce. One type of alternative dispute resolution that is becoming more popular today… Read More »

Tips For Navigating The Holiday Season After Divorce
The holiday season is officially upon us. For many families, this is a time of nostalgia, good cheer, and spending time with family and friends. If you have recently gotten a divorce, though, you may find the holidays are more difficult this year. You are bound to remember the happier times you spent as… Read More »

How To Enforce A Child Support Order On Long Island
During a divorce, one party is often ordered to pay child support to the other. In most cases, it is the non-custodial parent that is ordered to pay child support. Child support orders, like any orders issued during a divorce, are legally binding. Still, that does not mean everyone complies with them all the… Read More »

How Is Debt Divided During Divorce In Suffolk County?
People carry enough debt on their own. They do not usually want to pay for someone else’s. If you are getting a divorce, you likely do not want to be responsible for your spouse’s debts once your case is finalized. Unfortunately, that is a possibility. Many people know that their assets are divided during… Read More »